Local Counsel to Out-of-State Law Firms

Because of our reputation, experience, resources, and focus on litigation, out-of-state law firms large and small regularly call on FITCH to serve as local counsel when they have matters pending in Massachusetts, including lawsuits in our state and federal courts.

We are glad to fill the specific role that meets the needs of lead counsel in a particular case. Sometimes this involves our providing traditional local-counsel services, such as advising on local laws, rules, customs, and personalities; assisting with court filings and service of pleadings; covering court appearances; and hosting depositions. Often we are asked to play a more substantive role, actively participating with lead counsel in the representation of the client in the lawsuit.

practicing in
Local Counsel

+Heather V.

Heather V. Baer

+Peter E.

Peter E. Ball

+Ryan M.

Ryan M. Cunningham

+Steven E.

Steven E. Gurdin

+Kurt S.

Kurt S. Kusiak

+Carlos A.

Carlos A. Maycotte

+Andrea Peraner-

Andrea Peraner- Sweet

+James B.

James B. Re

+Stephen C.

Stephen C. Reilly

+Nathalie K.

Nathalie K. Salomon

Local Counsel To Out-Of-State Law Firms Case Results

– False Claims Act

Representing a pharmaceutical company in a federal False Claims Act lawsuit alleging hundreds-of-millions of dollars or more in damages.

– Patent Infringement

Representing defendant in a declaratory action for non-infringement of patents regarding interfering RNA molecules; representing defendant in an action for patent infringement regarding natural language software and hardware; representing plaintiff and defendant corporations in multiple other patent-infringement cases.

– Trademark

Representing a pharmaceutical company in a trademark dispute


Representing a corporate defendant in a class-action Telephone Consumer Protection Act case

– Fraud

Representing the Customs and Tax Administration of the Kingdom of Denmark in a large number of tax fraud cases against entities in the United States.

Representing a pharmaceutical company in a civil action brought by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office alleging Medicaid fraud based on the client’s purported overstating of the Average Wholesale Price of its products; representing an employee of a pharmaceutical company in an indicted federal criminal case alleging violations of the Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act; representing a for-profit professional school in an investigation by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office into alleged consumer fraud.

– Insurance Coverage

Representing an electric utility company in an insurance-coverage case relating to the remediation of contaminated sites; Representing a corporate defendant in a claim for coverage under a Pollution-Liability insurance policy.

– Class Action

Representing product manufacturers in a consumer class-action lawsuit.

– Discovery

Assisting an out-of-state law firm in obtaining discovery in Massachusetts relating to a contested divorce action pending in another state; assisting an out-of-state law firm in obtaining discovery in Massachusetts in aid of an international arbitration.

– Employment

Representing companies in a large number of employment law cases.